Believe it or not, I got my start on the internet in 2000. Yeah. I'm old. So old I actually used to do the old-school website thing when it was the norm, and taught myself HTML and CSS in doing so. I made websites all up through 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and on, and on, until the fad died out and the beast known as social media took over. Now everything just looks like "same face."
Social media is not my friend.
As for me, on the other hand, there isn't much to say about me. My name is Kyrie. I finally went back to university, but in Japan. Coooool. As I said earlier, I learned how to do HTML and CSS aa long time ago, at an early age. I literally can't do anything else. Ah well.
If you want to link to me while I build myself up on my little part of this web, I've already made myself a little button here!